East Brent Parish Council is responsible for the villages of East Brent, Rooksbridge and Edingworth
Defibrillator is in a box mounted in front of the East Brent Medical Centre, Brent Road, TA9 4JD
Defibrillator is mounted on the front wall of the
Post Office, Bristol Road,
BS26 2TE
Defibrillator is located on the wall of a main farm building at
Laurel Farm, Edingworth Road, BS24 0JA
ADDITIONAL defibrillators within the Parish of East Brent
Purchased by John Bowden, for use on the caravan park and for wider use by the public in the area.
Lccated on the end wall of the barn at Ashlawn Farm, Pill Road, Rooksbridge. A donation of £1000 was received towards its purchase from Willow Tree Housing Association,
The Emergency Services' response address for Rooksbridge Defibrillator is:
All Rights Reserved | © East Brent Parish Council
East Brent Parish Council is responsible for the villages of East Brent, Rooksbridge and Edingworth